The objective of these organizations is to perpetuate the memory and to promote the principles and virtues of the Huguenots by discovering, collecting and preserving the documents, relics, and monuments relating to the history of the Huguenots.
Any person shall be eligible as a regular member who is of the Protestant faith, above the age of 18, adheres to the Huguenot principles of Faith and Liberty, and is lineally descended in the male or female line from:
a Huguenot without regard to ethnic origin or particular sect of the Protestant faith, who subsequent to December 10, 1520, when Martin Luther burned the papal bull against him, and prior to the promulgation of the Edict of Toleration, November 28,1787, emigrated from France to America or other country,or:
a Huguenot who despite religious persecution, remained in France (‘France’ meaning any territory lying within the kingdom of France on the date of the promulgation of the Edict of Toleration).
A prospective member should be known by, and acceptable to, the state society.
The membership of the National Society shall be limited to Member Societies.