The purpose of the Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor, Incorporated (DFAW) is to record and perpetuate the history and genealogy of the Founders of Ancient Windsor, and the history and genealogy of their families and their descendants.
Membership is open to any person who supports the purpose of the DFAW. Members who are descendants of listed Founders of Ancient Windsor are expected to document their line of descent from a Founder.
George Abbot Benedictus Alford Samuel Allen Matthew Allyn Thomas Barber John Bartlett Margaret (Barrett) (Huntington) Stoughton Thomas Bascomb Thomas Bassett John Bennett Richard Birge Capt. John Bissell Elder John Branker Jonathan Brewster Thomas Buckland William Buell Joshua Carter George Chappel Daniel Clarke Dea. Henry Clarke Joseph Clarke Capt. Aaron Cooke Thomas Cooper Nicholas Denslow Thomas Dewey Thomas Dibble John Drake John Dumbleton John Dyer John Eels Bygod Eggleston William Filley Thomas Ford Henry Foulkes Lt. Walter Fyler Dea. William Gaylord Francis Gibbs Giles Gibbs William Gilbert Jeremiah Gillett Jonathan Gillett Nathan Gillett Matthew Grant Thomas Gridley Edward Griswold | Matthew Griswold Thomas Gunn William Hannum John Hawkes Anthony Hawkins William Hayden Gov. John Haynes William Hill John Hillier Thomas Holcombe Lt. William Holmes Mary Holt Elder William Hosford John Hoskins Simon Hoyte Samuel Hubbard Rev. Ephraim Huit William Hulbert George Hull John Hurd Humphrey Hydes Joseph Loomis Roger Ludlow Henry Lush Thomas Marshfield Ann Marshall Thomas Marshall Major John Mason Mary (Merwin) (Tinker) Collins Miles Merwin Simon Mills Dea. John Moore Thomas Moore Thomas Newberry Thomas Nowell Richard Oldage Thomas Orton John Osborn Sgt. Nicholas Palmer Elias Parkman Thomas Parsons Edward Pattison George Phelps William Phelps George Phillips Humphrey Pinney Eltweed Pomeroy Samuel Pond | John Porter Edward Preston Matthew Rainend Philip Randall Jasper Rawlins John Reeves John Rockwell Dea. William Rockwell Dr. Bray Rossiter John St. Nicholas Robert Saltonstall Richard Samos Matthias Sension (St. John) Nicholas Sension Richard Sexton Sgt. Thomas Staires Aaron Starke Francis Stiles Henry Stiles John Stiles Thomas Stiles Ens. Thomas Stoughton George Stuckey John Talcott Elizabeth (Unknown) (Nowell) Taylor John Taylor Stephen Terry Thomas Thornton William Thrall John Tilley Peter Tilton Michael Try Frances (Unknown) (Clark) (Dewey) Phelps Richard Vore Rev. John Warham Richard Weller Richard Whitehead Arthur Williams John Williams Roger Williams Lt. David Wilton Robert Winchell Elder John Witchfield Henry Wolcott John Young |
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